Kingdom of God Ministries International Global Christian Education G.C.E
Led by Apostle W Michael Turner Jr. and Pastor Julia Turner Kingdom of God Ministries fulfills the Great Comission utilzing arts, missions and outreach. Kingdom of God Ministries International.
Located at 3255 Empire Blvd SW, Atlanta, GA 30354, we welcome you to come and fellowship with us each 1st and 3rd sunday of every month through our "Sunday Service in The Parking Lot" held through Facebook Live.
Kingdom of God Ministries International welcomes you to fellowship with us.

Fellowship with our Ministries
Kingdom of God Ministries International GCE
Kingdom of God Ministries International Welcomes You To Fellowship With Our Dynamic Ministries.

Men of Distinction
Men's Ministry
Under the leadership of Roy Dallas, the Men of Distinction Men's Ministry of K.O.G.M seeks to empower the livlihood of men by fostering a deeper connection to self and the word of the Lord. Through a series of engaging seminars and panels that speak to growth and development of men our minstiry seeks to provide a space to curate discussions centered around the growth and development of Men.
Emerging Women's Ministry
Led under the leadership of Pastor Julia Turner and Anatasia Dallas, the Emerging Women's Ministry seeks to empower women through the word of the gospel. Hosted through a series of panel discussions and seminars, the emerging women's ministry seeks to empower women through their journey in connection to the word of God.
"What's Happening In The Kingdom"
- Tue, Jun 08Atlanta
- Tue, Jan 05Zoom
- Wed, Dec 30Facebook Live
- Wed, Oct 14Facebook Live Stream
Contact Kingdom of God Ministries International
3255 Empire Boulevard,
Atlanta, Georgia